9 W. Hubbard Street - Chicago, IL
Trivia Hosts:
  • Bella De Soriano
Tuesday: 7:30PM
Trivia Night Specials:
$5 Modelos (Tues)
$6 Long Drinks (Tues)
$8 Walking Tacos (Tues)
Wed Happy Hour 5-7pm inc. $3 Domestics/$5 Jameson & Skrewball/$10 Burger & Fries
TOCXXV Qualifiers
The Penis Mightier ??: 1111
The Smooth Brains : 951
My Wife Left me : 809
Phoctor Dill : 542
All Standings
Last Week's Top Teams
Bob's Uranus ?: 99
The Penis Mightier ??: 96
Sophie's Squad ?: 93